
New Feature Dark Mode

Justin Geeslin

Support for macOS’s Dark Mode will be coming soon to CogTool!

CogTool v1.4

Justin Geeslin

What’s New

Introduces 64-bit compatibility, including support for macOS Catalina and Windows 10.

Modern CogTool

Justin Geeslin

Hello World!

The CogTool website at Carnegie Mellon has been taken down

Bonnie John

The CogTool website at Carnegie Mellon was taken down the first week of March 2014. All the content has been saved and will eventually appear here. I also intend to answer questions through this blog. Soon, I promise… (a song from “A Little Night Music”)

CogTool reduces errors and variation between modelers by 70%

Bonnie John

By studying 100 new users of CogTool, we found that compared to doing Keystroke-Level models by hand, CogTool substantially reduces the number of errors and the variation in quantitative predictions. This means new modelers can be more confident of their predictions than ever before. Read about it in our paper at the BRIMS 2010 conference avaiable at its research publications page.

CogTool v1.1 is released

Bonnie John

New features, updated User Guide, a step-by-step Tutorial, and it even works on Mac Snow Leopard.

CogTool tutorial first to go “on-line” at HFES

Bonnie John

The CogTool tutorial will be delivered both in person and on-line through Web+audio. This is the first time HFES will be putting any tutorials on-line and we are thrilled to be part of the experiment.

Paper at HCI International 2009 uses CogTool

Bonnie John

A paper by folks from salesforce at the HCI International 2009 conference in San Diego used CogTool in a new measure of “intuitiveness”. Check it out.

CogTool v1.0.4 is released

Bonnie John

CogTool v1.0.4 fixes a bug in the cognitive model that CogTool creates when a task uses a context menu. Thanks to Katie Rivard at the Robotics Institute at CMU for finding this bug that escaped our notice for so many months. certifies CogTool as “EXCELLENT”

Bonnie John

CogTool 1.0.3 was tested in Feb 2009 by FindMySoft, according to Roxane Cohen, Mac Editor at In her email, she congratulated the CogTool team for the quality of CogTool. Since CogTool exceeds the quality standards of many other software products in its category it has been granted the “EXCELLENT” software certificate.